If you don’t find what you need please contact us at
How Do I register for CHS Football?
Go to Final Forms to register and upload your Sports Physical.
Registered for football and need access to the calendar please email to be added as a new player. Please provide email address and cell number, invitation will be sent accordingly.
Documents & Resources:
CHS Sports Page - Registration information
Cedarcrest Red Wolves Booster Sponsorship Form - We appreciate your support!
Register for CHS PTSA
Submit Volunteer form to be in compliance as a CHS Volunteer
Register for ASB & Pay Class fees/fines, CHS Sports participation fee
Boosters Promo Video - learn more about what all your Booster Membership and Volunteers go toward
Did you know that almost 30% of our funding is achieved through corporate matching of volunteer hours. Does your company match your volunteer time? Boeing, Starbucks and Microsoft are a few examples of local corporations that match volunteer hours. As a 501 c3 organization the Cedarcrest Red Wolves Booster Club is eligible to receive these matching funds. Please volunteer and submit for your corporate match! if you have questions, please reach out to